Kunimi-cho Hachiman Jinja Shrine Grounds
Kanazawa City Designated Natural Monument
The Hachiman Shrine, located within the Kunimi community, is said to have been consecrated in the second year of Yoro (718). The shrine forest consists of painted maple, Japanese cedar, neolitsea sericea (shirodamo), and Japanese aucuba (himeaoki), with nine painted maple trees growing around the shrine grounds. The tree located behind the shrine building is the largest in Ishikawa Prefecture with a trunk measuring 4.4 meters in circumference.
As it is rare to find a shrine grounds consisting of mainly painted maple trees, the colonies found here consisting of several giant trees is precious. In addition, the trees of the shrine are also recognized for their cultural value as they have been carefully taken care of by the local villagers throughout many years.

Shrine building and grounds

Largest Japanese painted maple within the precinct