Health & Wellbeing(健康と福祉)
Medical 医療
Make sure you take your health insurance card when visiting a doctor. Japanese hospitals are divided between well equipped large hospitals with examination equipment and hospitalization facilities, and local private doctor offices and clinics.
Most run on a first-in-first-served basis. Therefore, sometimes you may have to wait 1-2hours. Some hospitals require reservations, so please check beforehand.
Not all medical facilities can interact in foreign languages all the time. Please, make a phone call to check every time you make an appointment.
Medical Treatment on Holidays and at Night 休日・夜間の診療
When Urgent Medical Treatment is Required at Night (weekdays and holidays) 夜間(平日・休日)に緊急の診療が必要な場合
- Hours: From 7:30pm~11pm(Open from 7pm)
- [Contact] Kanazawa Emergency Center
- Address: Sainen3-4-25 Kanazawa(西念3-4-25 金沢市)(Within the Ekinishi Health&Welfare Center)
- Tel: 076-222-0099 (7pm~11pm)
- Departments: Internal Medicine,Pediatrics
Duty Doctors 当番医
Hospitals are generally closed to out-patients on Sundays, national holidays, during the New Years period, and at night.
Kanazawa has therefore established a duty roster for each type of hospital so that people can receive the emergency medical treatment they need.
Medical Care Insurance 医療保険
People living in Japan must take out medical care insurance.
In Japan, there is National Health Insurance and health insurance.People working for companies receive health insurance. People not working for companies receive National Health Insurance.
Guides for Foreign Residents #2【National Health Insurance】(金沢市在住外国人向け行政手続支援動画2【国民健康保険について】)
Complete the Procedure for Entering National Health Insurance 国民健康保険の加入手続
Please go to the town hall health insurance section or Citizen Center to register for health insurance within 14 days of arriving in Kanazawa. After registering, you will receive a national health insurance card, that shows your membership information.
(Caution)You are automatically entered into your employer's health insurance scheme. Confirm your insurance status with your place of employment.
When you retire and leave your employer's insurance program, you need to register for national health insurance.
Documents Required to Join 加入に必要な書類
- Either a residence card
- A special permanent resident certificate
- International Driver's License
Insurance Premiums 保険料
Calculated according to factors such as the total income for all insured persons, and the number of insured persons (the number of people in your family).
(Caution)There is a system whereby households may apply for a reduction if their income for the previous fiscal year was below a stipulated level, or if they find it difficult to pay the insurance premium due to some kind of disaster.
Benefits Provided 国民健康保険で受けられる給付
- Partial coverage of medical costs (Portion of cost that insured individuals must bear themselves:20 or 30%)
- A payment when high medical treatment costs are incurred
- A fixed one-time payment for childbirth and childcare
- A fixed funeral allowance
- An allowance for medical expenses
Medical Insurance System for the Elderly 後期高齢者医療制度
People aged 75 or older (or 65 or older for those with a certain level of disability certified by the Ishikawa Prefectural Regional Medical Association) qualify for the medical service system for the later-stage elderly.
Withdrawing from the Scheme 国民健康保険制度からの脱退
When you start working and enter your employer's insurance program, or when you leave Japan permanently, you must return your health insurance card.
Inquiries 問い合わせ
Insurance and Pension Section(保険年金課) Tel:076-220-2255
Documents 書類
Notification of Health Insurance Provisional Calculation 国民健康保険料納入通知書 仮算定
【English】Notification of Payment Provisional Calculation (PDFファイル: 107.4KB)
【Japanese】Notification of Payment Provisional Calculation 納入通知書仮算定 (PDFファイル: 243.5KB)
Information about National Health Insurance (in April and May) 国民健康保険に関するお知らせ 4~5月
【English】Notification of Payment the Premiums to be paid in April and May (PDFファイル: 90.1KB)
Notification of Health Insurance Calculation 国民健康保険料納入通知書 本算定
【English】Notification of Payment Calculation (PDFファイル: 88.1KB)
【Japanese】Notification of Payment Calculation 納入通知書算定 (PDFファイル: 515.2KB)
Information about National Health Insurance (from June through March) 国民健康保険に関するお知らせ 6~3月
【English】Notification of Payment the Premiums to be paid from June through March (PDFファイル: 613.7KB)
Income Declaration for National Health Insurance Premiums 国民健康保険料申告書
【English】Request for Submission of the Income Declaration 申告書記入例 (PDFファイル: 115.5KB)
【English】Income Declaration for National Health Insurance Premiums 申告書 (PDFファイル: 176.0KB)
【Japanese】Request for Submission of the Income Declaration 申告書記入例 (PDFファイル: 263.6KB)
【Japanese】Income Declaration for National Health Insurance Premiums 申告書 (PDFファイル: 166.1KB)
National Health Insurance in Kanazawa 金沢の国保
【English】National Health Insurance in Kanazawa (PDFファイル: 440.7KB)
【Japanese】National Health Insurance in Kanazawa 金沢の国保 (PDFファイル: 1.7MB)
Information National Health Insurance Premiums for New Enrollees 国民健康保険料についてのご案内
【English】Information National Health Insurance Premiums for New Enrollees (PDFファイル: 89.8KB)
Kanazawa City National Health Insurance Premiums 金沢市国民健康保険料口座振替納付書
【English】Kanazawa City National Health Insurance Premiums 金沢市国民健康保険料口座振替納付書 (PDFファイル: 214.8KB)
【Japanese】Kanazawa City National Health Insurance Premiums 金沢市国民健康保険料口座振替納付書 (PDFファイル: 837.2KB)
How to Fill Out a National Health Insurance Premiums 国民健康保険料・口座振替申込書の書き方
【English】How to Fill Out a National Health Insurance Premiums 国民健康保険料・口座振替申込書の書き方 (PDFファイル: 510.3KB)
Medical Support for Children with Disabilities (Medical Support for Persons with Disabilities) 自立支援医療(育成医療)
For Applicants of Medical Support for Children with Disabilities (Medical Support for Persons with Disabilities) 自立支援医療(育成医療)を申請される方へ
Your Medical Support Certificate is Enclosed(for Children with Disabilities) 自立支援医療(育成医療)受給者証の送付について
Application Form for Medical Support for Self-reliance 自立支援医療費(育成・更生 )支給認定申請書
【English】Application Form for Medical Support for Self-reliance (PDFファイル: 190.6KB)
【Japanese】Application Form for Medical Support for Self-reliance (PDFファイル: 133.2KB)
Documents Concerning People Affected by an Infectious Disease as Defined by the Law 感染症等に関する文書
Recommendation for Hospitalization 入院勧告書
【English】Recommendation for Hospitalization (PDFファイル: 42.7KB)
【Japanese】Recommendation for Hospitalization(入院勧告書) (PDFファイル: 38.6KB)
Notification of Work Restrictions 就業制限通知書
【English】Notification of Work Restrictions (PDFファイル: 45.3KB)
【Japanese】Notification of Work Restrictions(就業制限通知書) (PDFファイル: 49.6KB)
Notification of Opportunity Opinion Statement on Recommendation for Hospitalization 入院勧告に関する意見を述べる機会の通知
Application for Public Funds for Medical Costs 医療費公費負担申請書
【English】Application for Public Funds for Medical Costs (PDFファイル: 41.1KB)
【Japanese】Application for Public Funds for Medical Costs(医療費公費負担申請書) (PDFファイル: 88.7KB)
Notice of Determination of Public Fund Coverage for Medical Cost 医療費公費負担決定通知
【English】Notice of Determination of Public Fund Coverage for Medical Costs (PDFファイル: 35.9KB)
Official Recommendation of Medical Examination 結核接触者健診受診勧告書
【English】Official Recommendation of Medical Examination(Adult) (PDFファイル: 28.9KB)
【English】Official Recommendation of Medical Examination(Child) (PDFファイル: 29.1KB)
【Japanese】Official Recommendation of Medical Examination(Adults) 結核接触者健診受診勧告書(成人用) (PDFファイル: 41.9KB)
Medical Examination Results 健康診断の結果(結核接触者健診の結果)
【English】Medical Examination Results (PDFファイル: 41.5KB)
【Japanese】Medical Examination Results(健康診断の結果) (PDFファイル: 60.3KB)