Garbage Disposal(家庭ごみ)
Garbage Disposal Rules
Garbage disposal stations in Kanazawa are managed by people from the neighborhood association.
Dispose of your household garbage according to the following rules:
- Separate your rubbish carefully.
- Put your rubbish out for collection by 8:30am on the designated day.
- Place your rubbish at a designated collection point (“gomi station”).
- Put your burnable rubbish and landfill rubbish in Kanazawa City Designated Garbage Bags and place them at a gomi station.
- Please do not take other people's rubbish home with you.
When registering as a resident in Kanazawa, there is a multi-language pamphlet about rubbish sorting and collection called “Household Rubbish Sorting and Collection”. Please also check the day and time for collection.
【Inquiries】Garbage Reduction Promotion Section Tel:076-220-2302
Furniture and electrical appliances cannot be disposed of at garbage disposal stations.There is a charge for their disposal.
See the “How to Sort and Dispose of Household Garbage” guide for details and contact the Door-to-Door Collection Center.
【Inquiries】Door-to-door Collection Center
Tel:076-221-0530 Open:9am~6pm
Kanazawa City Garbage Separation App
金沢市公式ごみ分別アプリ 5374(ゴミナシ)APP
【Multilingual】Kanazawa City Garbage Separation App (PDFファイル: 1.2MB)
【Japanese】Kanazawa City Garbage Separation App (金沢市公式ごみ分別アプリ 5474(ゴミナシ)APP) (PDFファイル: 919.7KB)
This free app contains garbage separation information, garbage collection information, notifications and more.
Available Languages 対応言語
Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Thai
How to Sort and Dispose of Household Waste 家庭ごみの分け方・出し方
【Multilingual】How to Sort and Dispose of Household Waste(多言語版家庭ごみ分け方・出し方) (PDFファイル: 6.7MB)
Kanazawa Seibu Environmental Energy Center 金沢市西部環境エネルギーセンター
【English】Kanazawa Seibu Environmental Energy Center Pamphlet (PDFファイル: 4.8MB)
【Japanese】Kanazawa Seibu Environmental Energy Center Pamphlet(金沢市西部環境エネルギーセンターパンフ) (PDFファイル: 4.9MB)