Koganji Temple Bell Tower
Kanazawa City Designated Cultural Property
The building consists of the ancestral hall on the right side of the main hall, and a 2-story bell tower. Based on its munafuda (a wooden plaque with written construction records), that was found in the back of the bell tower, the building was assumed to have been built in 1797.
However, the antiquated decoration of the ancestral hall suggests that the ancestral hall may have been built in the 17th century, and that the bell tower was later added in the 18th century.
According to the temple’s tradition, during the Edo period (1603~1867) the bell in the bell tower was only allowed to be rung during times of emergency in the castle, and to this day it has therefore never been rung.
A shape of its window is called katomado.

The bell restored in 2011.
The ancestral hall on the first floor.
Cultural properties in Teramachi Temple Area (in English)
Myohoji Temple Enkianthus Perulatus